Failures Has No Connection With Your Fate

Failures Has No Connection With Your Fate

Hello Friends, My name is Poorvi Tiwari. I put up this blog today to spread a message that failures have nothing to do with your destiny. It's all about your hard work, focus, and determination towards your goal.

I believe if something is not working as per your expectations it does not mean your bad time. 

Failures will make you stronger and daring. 

Today I am going to share my story stating my failures and achievements of college days. I use to be a very introvert and shy person. My friends were limited. 

My Passion for IT industry 

I wanted to pursue BCA (Bachelors Of Computer Application). I tried many competitive exams but I was unable to achieve a good rank. My friend advised to pursue BBA (Bachelors Of Business Administration) and they said: "Poorvi, it's really difficult to clear Maths my brother got so many backlogs then he left BCA so I strongly advise you go for BBA"

I followed my heart because of my passion for the IT industry.

I got admission as BCA in a good college because I love computers and was eager to learn software programming, the Internet and technology.  

I became an expert in software programming, database management, business fundamentals except for one subject i.e Mathematics.

I got 6 times continuous backlogs in Mathematics during my graduation which blocked many job opportunities. I can't blame "Maths" for these failures because the problem was with my preparation and wrong technique. Some people told me - "It's just destiny, the bad phase will pass, don't worry."

Initially, I couldn't think of the reason because I was good in all subjects then I collected some previous question papers, understood the pattern that carries high marks.
I found the reason behind those backlogs. I was weak in topics such as -Integration and Differentiation topic and Statistics calculation which has high weightage marks. I practiced thoroughly.
I remember the day, during the college campus selection, I cleared all rounds and got an offer letter to work for a multinational IT company in Bangalore. The company decided to send me for 2 months of training. After a few days, my supplementary result was out and again I got a backlog for the 5th time. 
I lost my hope and got shattered. Some classmates made fun of me. It was really embarrassing and shocking but I managed to ignore the vile jibes. Finally, I cleared Maths. 
I struggled to get a good job as I was fresher, I can't sit Idle then later I decided to pursue for additional IT course in 2009.

My Biggest Achievements During Graduation

I was a topper in the 2nd year and rewarded a trophy and a certificate which was truly an unforgettable phase of my life and this lifted me up as I was depressed because of Mathematics. 
I laughed at myself because at one side I faced constant failures and on the other side, I was declared as a Topper:)

Overcoming My Fear - Debate Competition

I am so happy to share this beautiful moment of my life. 

For the first time, I participated in debate competition during the final year. I was very nervous as I use to feel shy and hesitate to stand in front of the audience. 
My faculties were very supportive, they pushed me to remove the fears and speak up in front of the public. At first, I refused as "No Mam, I am not a good speaker and I can't handle the audience".

I still remember her wonderful reply -"Remember, when you are standing alone in front of the public. You are a Hero. Don't hesitate just go home and prepare yourself. You have to do it Poorvi. This will definitely be going to help you a lot in the future."
I took help from my relatives as I was too nervous. I use to rehearse in front of the mirror. 

The Dean of our college announced my name. I stood- 2nd in the Debate Competition. It means a lot. I was so happy and shared this good news to all my friends and family. They congratulated me for this achievement.  

Nostalgia: My Post Graduation Memories

I was appointed as to Host an Annual Party Function. I was really nervous when I was provided a long script to Host a party. I rehearsed a lot for the script. It was so much fun as I became more confident to speak on stage with a Mike. 

I have arranged this photograph of Post Graduation days. Feeling nostalgic.

Why I pursued an MBA (IT)  not MCA? 

I remember when I was in the final year of graduation in Delhi, my professor told me- “Don’t go for MCA after BCA one must have additional skills and degree so that in future if there are less IT jobs what will you do? Competition is high” 

He advised me for MBA with IT as specialization. 
2010- I got a job in a multinational IT company in Gurgaon. It was a great experience working with talented professionals.  

I appreciate and thankful with the struggles and failures as they pushed me out from the comfort zone and overcome from fears. 

My college days played a very crucial role in my career and personality . Despite failures and losing golden opportunities, I emerged as a winner.

The lesson I have learned - Failures has nothing to do with your fate. If you are facing constant failures try to find the reason instead of blaming destiny and get depressed.

If my story touched your heart, pour your love in the comments section. 
